About the books
The Mindrulers is a series of Christian fantasy / science fiction novels in which four ordinary people from this world are called by God to rescue the citizens of a small nation on a distant planet from the unimaginable oppression of mind-control.
The stories developed out of a fantasy role-playing game my wife and I enjoyed with our son and daughter during their teens. My wife and daughter both suffered from chronic fatigue, so we couldn’t easily get out for family outings. Instead, on Sunday afternoons we would all sit round the dining room table and play “the Family Game”, as we called it.
The game had a Christian worldview, and I would set up quests for the rest of the family to pursue within the growing fantasy world we were creating. I kept a diary of our sessions, and when eventually we had to stop due to our teenagers’ increasing school commitments, the story had given us all so much pleasure that we thought, We can’t let this go to waste! Why not share it with others?
Hence the books—which have now gone way beyond the family game, but that’s where they had their origin. All along it’s been very much a family project, with my wife and children (now adults) helping with ideas, proofreading, artwork and promotion.
We hope you enjoy the stories as much as we have!
About Steve Pillinger
I am a linguist, translator and typesetter, and I’ve lived in a number of different cross-cultural settings in Africa, the UK and the USA. I’ve been a missionary with Wycliffe Bible Translators for over 36 years. I love languages, history and geography, and I believe this comes through in the novels, together with the longing to see God’s truth revealed with fresh impact through
the eyes of a different culture.
My family and I created the world of Dûrion as part of our family game while living in Oxfordshire, UK. Now my wife and I have moved to Johannesburg, South Africa, where
we continue to work in support of Bible translation.
My other interests include reading, piano playing and photography.